Impacto de empaques de plástico en la industria de suplementos - WU Nutrition

Impact of plastic packaging in the supplement industry

Hi Lovers , have you ever thought about all the plastic packaging you can generate in just one day?

Each person in Mexico generates a kilo of garbage daily. This means that every 24 hours in our country 12,000 tons of garbage are produced; every year, each Mexican produces 344 kilograms of garbage. A total of 36 million 135 thousand tons of waste.

Of which about 8 million tons of plastics are produced per year, of which 50% are single- use and only 6.7% are recycled.

Therefore, it is extremely important to be aware of everything we consume in order to generate the least possible impact on our garbage consumption.

The pandemic has impacted

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 came to radically change people's routines and activities. It also sparked fears of catching the virus, prompting greater attention to immune health and boosting sales of dietary supplements.

In recent years, it has had an annual growth of 5% and is close to doubling it to reach 10% and hoping that this trend continues so that more people have better well-being with themselves.

So, looking at this growing figure, we get an idea that if the consumption of supplements is growing, that means that the production of packaging is doing so equally.

ANIPAC projects that the production of packages and containers will report a growth of 2%, a sector that represents a participation of 50% of the total plastics industry.

What I can do?

The generation of lovers garbage is something that cannot be avoided; it is impossible to stop producing waste; however, there are several measures to reduce the problem.

One of them is prevention, that is, buying products with minimal packaging or ecological packaging; another measure is to reduce the consumption of unnecessary products, since plastic packaging waste now represents almost half of all plastic waste generated globally; this because most of it never arrives recycled or incinerated, they explain at Greenpeace.

Therefore, it gives us an idea that there is only a very small percentage of packaging that is friendly to the environment.

That is why at Wu we have opted to create packaging that is 100% plastic-free and reusable so that it generates a better impact on the environment and does not generate as much pollution in the world.

The change starts with you

So now lovers know, our world is in danger because of all the garbage (especially plastic) that is generated every day, and even if one believes that making a small change is not going to help the planet at all, the reality is that you are contributing a grain of sand so that one day we will live in a more conscious and environmentally friendly society.

By Mariana Urtaza