Auto estima baja, alta y la salud mental.

Low and high self esteem and mental health.

Low self-esteem and mental health

There are several types of self-esteem, today we will talk about 2 types. We know that this issue is something of the most important thing that can exist in us and everything goes hand in hand with mental health, we will talk about how it reflects and how it can affect.

It is said that people with low self-esteem are people who do not respect themselves, that is, they come to despise themselves. This makes them have more importance for other people than for their own person. Low self-esteem is also related to not having the desire to live and taking little care of oneself.

Considering what we have just said, low self-esteem is related to depression and other mood problems. In the "manual" diagnosis of mental disorders, all this can cause low self-esteem along with problems eating, sleeping problems, low energy, lack of concentration and low feelings, remember if you start to notice someone who starts with these characteristics take it into account It counts to be able to treat it, it is not asking the person why the first thing they will do is deny it, it is simply knowing how to treat that situation in order to reach an agreement.

This can also be related to social anxiety. In this disorder, intense anxiety or fear occurs when a person may be exposed to judgment about other people. This makes them afraid to act in front of other people and to avoid different types of social situations, that is also when the way of not wanting to live together begins, you begin to generate less trust in the person.

Likewise, there are other studies that relate low self-esteem to other health problems such as obesity .

High self-esteem and mental health

This is the healthiest self-esteem and it is related, it is said that people who respect themselves, who adapt to changes, who have concerns and desire to improve themselves, who are satisfied with their work, etc.

So we could conclude that people with high self-esteem, even if it is positive, are those who have good mental health. In addition, they are also people who seek psychological help with the aim of developing on a personal level or when they detect a problem.

For example, a person with correct self-esteem can get stressed, but they have the necessary tools to manage that stress and, if they don't have them at their disposal, they look for it through therapy or other ways.

As we have commented, it is also related to positive psychology, that is, with those people who do therapy with the aim of identifying their positive aspects in order to develop them. Among other things, they are people who work on their virtues and strengths, optimism, resilience, etc.

In conclusion, as we mentioned at the beginning of the blog, there is a relationship between self-esteem and mental health, since good self-esteem is also related to good mental health, low self-esteem is related to depressive disorders, and excessively high self-esteem is related to narcissism. and other personality problems.

We must take into account that there are also people who consider that self-esteem is an indicator of the mental health that people have (Watson, 1998 cited in León, 2008).

Better self-esteem, better mental health.

For all this, it is convenient to evaluate the self-esteem of each person, just as we can evaluate it and thus we can establish what to do to increase it or if we are correct.

nice :)